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Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
18 octubre 2013 |
Nominal strength of quasi-brittle open hole specimens under biaxial loading conditions |
Kabeel, Abdallah Mahmoud Bayoumi
; Maimà Vert, Pere
; Gascons i Clarió, NarcÃs
; González Juan, Emilio Vicente
31 maig 2023 |
A novel benchmark test for composites under complex loading sequences resulting in non-self-similar damage evolution |
Renart Canalias, Jordi
31 maig 2023 |
A novel benchmark test for composites under complex loading sequences resulting in non-self-similar damage evolution |
Renart Canalias, Jordi
; Carreras Blasco, Laura
; Leciñana, Iñaqui
; Zurbitu González, Javier
; Turon Travesa, Albert
31 maig 2023 |
Numerical approach for stiffener debonding prediction of aircraft composite structures |
Sola, Guy
31 maig 2023 |
Numerical and experimental study of notched composite plates under envelope loadings: envelope validation method |
Bouvet, Christophe
31 maig 2023 |
A numerical framework for simulating progressive fatigue failure in composite laminates |
Hofman, Pieter
31 maig 2023 |
Numerical modelling and experimental behaviour of adhesive joints under dynamic loading |
Villarroel Marquina, Pablo
31 maig 2023 |
Obtaining the J-integral and mode mixity of climbing drum peel test by finite element modelling |
Jespersen, Kristine Munk
31 maig 2023 |
On the high-velocity impact response of bio-inspired interleaved hybrid carbon-fibre reinforced polymer composites |
Kazemi, Erfan
On the validity of linear elastic fracture mechanics methods to measure the fracture toughness of adhesive joints |
Sarrado Molina, Carlos
; Turon Travesa, Albert
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Renart Canalias, Jordi
16 març 2015 |
On the validity of linear elastic fracture mechanics methods to measure the fracture toughness of adhesive joints |
Sarrado Molina, Carlos
; Turon Travesa, Albert
; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
; Renart Canalias, Jordi
31 maig 2023 |
Prediction of the elastic properties and fatigue damage evolution in bundle-based composites for wind turbines |
Lamon, Federico
31 maig 2023 |
Progressive failure analysis of filled hole and bearing composite laminate bolted joints |
Garcia Rodriguez, Santiago
31 maig 2023 |
Quasi-static crushing behaviour of a high-strength carbon fibre-reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) in mechanically fastened joints |
Silva Campos, Pedro José
31 maig 2023 |
The role of the cohesive law shape and mixed-mode interpolation when modeling delamination failure involving large fracture process zones |
Turon Travesa, Albert
31 maig 2023 |
The role of the cohesive law shape and mixed-mode interpolation when modeling delamination failure involving large fracture process zones |
Turon Travesa, Albert
31 maig 2023 |
Self-heating analysis of hybrid thin-ply laminates subjected to cyclic mechanical loading |
Pupurs, Andrejs
31 maig 2023 |
The sequential static fatigue algorithm: a fast approach to predict composites delamination growth under fatigue loadings |
Martulli, Luca Michele
Short and long-term cracking behaviour of GFRP reinforced concrete beams |
Miàs Oller, Cristina
; Torres Llinà s, LluÃs
; Guadagnini, M.
; Turon Travesa, Albert
agost 2015 |
Short and long-term cracking behaviour of GFRP reinforced concrete beams |
Miàs Oller, Cristina
; Torres Llinà s, LluÃs
; Guadagnini, M.
; Turon Travesa, Albert
31 maig 2023 |
Simulation of damage induced acoustic emission in laminates |
Doitrand, Aurélien
A simulation method for high-cycle fatigue-driven delamination using a cohesive zone model |
Bak, Brian L V
; Turon Blasco, Albert
; Lindgaard, Esben
; Lund, Erik
20 abril 2016 |
A simulation method for high-cycle fatigue-driven delamination using a cohesive zone model |
Bak, Brian Lau Verndal
; Turon Travesa, Albert
; Lindgaard, Esben
; Lund, Erik
31 maig 2023 |
Static and fatigue performance of wind turbine blade epoxy adhesives |
Vadugappatty Srinivasan, Dharun
31 maig 2023 |
Statistical study of the process parameters to achieve continuous consolidation on thermoplastic composites |
Campos Murcia, Daniel